Mother Tongue Fortnight 2024
In support of MOE's efforts to promote student learning and appreciation of Mother Tongue Languages and cultures, the RGS Languages Department organised our very own Mother Tongue Fortnight for the whole of Term 1 Week 5 and 8.

This year’s theme “In Love with Languages” aims to foster in our students a passion for cultural learning through a series of activities. These specially curated activities provide authentic experiential opportunities for students to use their Mother Tongue Languages, thereby deepening their sense of belonging and rootedness to their culture.
Our Chinese students dazzled us with their musical prowess in the Voice of RGS competition, while also delving into the art of Tea Appreciation and Chinese calligraphy. Meanwhile, our Tamil students showcased their creativity through Rangoli art and classical dance performances, alongside participating in engaging workshops on poetry and e-book creation. Another enthusiastic group - our Malay students - explored the traditional elegance of the kebaya and dabbled in the world of Malay poetry, drama, and writing.
It was a fortnight filled with laughter, learning, and a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of languages and cultures that make up our school community.